Baayun Mulud Tradition Banjar Society of South Borneo

South Borneo - There is no more monumental event in the history of human civilization than the first moments of the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW. At that precise moment, the angels, the universe, the birds, and the waves of the leaves hummed the kalam of the sky to welcome the presence of the intelligent baby boy who would become the ultimate of the prophets and apostles, the spiritual revolutionary leader throughout earth universe.

Tradition in the world
Baayun Mulud Tradition Banjar Society of South Borneo

Michael H. Hart (2005), places the Prophet Muhammad in the first order of the list of the Hundred Most Influential People of all time.

The popular event called the mawlid of the Prophet is one of the greatest blessings for Muslims. Every momentum of the Prophet's mawlid arrived, the Muslims of the archipelago had a unique and special tradition to welcome the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

If in Yogyakarta we know the tradition of Sekaten, in Banjar society, South Borneo (South Borneo) also known as Baayun Mulud ceremony.

This sacred ritual is performed every 12 Rabiul Awal to coincide with the birth of the Prophet Muhammad.Baayun Mulud is a symbolic cultural event full of historical content, philosophical meaning, acculturation and valuable cultural procession for the development of Islam in South Borneo, which is always interesting to be studied.

This ancestor's inheritance ritual has been going through considerable time and space. The greatness of Prophet Muhammad and the thick doctrine of Islam continues to be the inspiration and trigger of the spirit of Banjar society in maintaining the existence of local tradition wrapped in this da'wah.In recent years, this tradition is well-known to be one of many of South Borneo's leading tourism agendas.

Not only visited by citizens of South Borneo, many travelers as well as participants Baayun from outside Banua. There are even participants from Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. Given that this tradition is rooted in the structure of Banjar society, even claimed by the teachings of Islam, it would be more interesting if this tradition is studied in depth through the eyes of tafsir and hadith so that later can be proven that this tradition is under al- Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet.

Description of Tradition Baayun Mulud

Baayun Mulud consists of two words, baayun and mulud. The word baayun means doing swing/cradle activity. Baby swing activity is usually done by someone to put the child to sleep. With a swing, a baby will feel comfortable so that he will be able to sleep.

While the word Mulud (from Arabic maulud) is an expression of Arab society for the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Thus, the word Baayun Mulud means the activity of swinging the child (baby) as an expression of gratitude for the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW the bearer of mercy for all nature.

The essence of the ceremony is also to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW. and syiar Islam as well to building and perfecting the moral and noble character for children in particular because their parents want their children will have a character or morals like the Prophet.

The Base of Practice

Each tradition has a foundation that in turn actualized in action. At least there are some things that underlie the people to do this tradition (Baayun Mulud), the first is a mawlid performed because of love to the Prophet and the second because of the command to follow sunnahnya on the basis that for those who love sunnahnya means to love the Prophet and will be with the Apostle in heaven. The third thing related to the event diayunnya baby, has a philosophical meaning that the study must be from the cradle to the grave, by listening to the reading of the Prophet mawlid containing praise and good sentences is one form of teaching to his son who is still in the cradle.

The Origin of Baayun Mulud

Tradition in the world
Baayun Mulud
According to historical records, Baayun Anak was a procession or traditional ceremony of a relic of a Kaharingan ancestor.H.A.Gazali historian Usman said this tradition existed only in Tapin District (especially in Banua Halat Village, Tapin Utara District). But then developed and implemented in various areas in South Borneo.

This tradition can be regarded as a marker of religious conversion of Dayak people who inhabit Banua Halat and the surrounding area, which was Kaharingan religion then embraced Islam. Thus Baayun Anak's ceremony has a strong connection with the history of the entry of Islam into this area.

As it became known that after Islam was accepted and declared as the official religion of the kingdom by the founder of the Banjar Islamic kingdom, Sultan Suriansyah, on September 24, 1526, it was then that Islam developed in Banua Banjar, especially in watersheds (DAS or Daerah Batang Banyu) as the mainline of transportation and trade at that time.

The entry point of Islam to Banua Halat is the river traffic from Banjarmasin to Marabahan, Margasari, to Muara Muning, to Muir Tabirai up to Banua Gadang. From Banua Gadang with Tapin river menyapiri arrived to the village of Banua Halat. It is probable that Islam had entered this area around the 16th century. Before the entry of Islam, Dayak Kaharingan people who live in Banua Halat village usually perform Aruh Ganal event.

The ceremony was held and when the pahahaan (rice fields) produce a lot of rice, so as an expression of gratitude after harvest they also carry the Aruh Ganal, which is filled by the recitation of the mantra of the Balian.

The venue for the ceremony is Hall. After Islam entered and expanded and thanks to the struggle of da'wah of ulama, the ceremony finally can be "Islamization".

If earlier this ceremony was filled with readings of balian, mantras, prayers, and offerings to the gods and ancestors, or ancestors in Balai, finally replaced with the reading of maulud poems, containing history, struggle and praise of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, implemented in the mosque, while the system and the pattern of the implementation of the ceremony remains. The acculturation of this tradition occurs and becomes a substance different from before, as it changes and becomes a new tradition that breathes Islam.

Process and Implementation Procedures

The ceremony is performed inside the mosque, in the middle room of the mosque made swings stretching on the pillars of the mosque. The swing is made up of three layers, the top layer is used sarigading fabric (sasirangan), the middle layer of yellow cloth (calico cloth yellow colored from the turmeric juice), and the lower layer using a bahalai cloth (long cloth without seam connections).

In the swing rope section is decorated with woven bird-shaped leaf, snakes, valve grate, lollipop, kambang sarai, chains, ornaments using fruits or traditional cakes such as cucur, rings, cake, banana, coconut, and others.

To each parent whose child is involved in this ceremony must hand over a piduduk, a sasanggan containing about three and a half pints of rice, a red sugar, a coconut, a chicken egg, a yarn, a needle, a piece of salt, and a silver coin. This population is not intended for polytheists but will be eaten by the people in attendance.

Baayun Mulud ceremony is already an annual ceremony that is always held together by the people of Banjar. One of the driving factors for families carrying out this tradition is the "testament" of their predecessor's ancestors (derived factors), so that if not implemented it will have a negative impact on the family.

Participants Baayun Mulud is not limited to babies who are in the village who carry it out, but maybe participants from other villages take part enliven. Even today there are people who are old Baayun joined because they feel when the child did not get to join Baayun Mulud ceremony. In the ceremony will be read various poems, such as poet barzanji, syarafal anam, and diba'i poem.

Children who want to be swung will be carried away and when the asyaraqal begins reading, the child is inserted into the swing that has been provided.As the recitation of ashraqal is echoed where all the people present stand, the child in the swing is swung by pulling the shawl tied to the swing.

The establishment of everyone when reading the ashraqal is associated with the desire that his newborn son came to be welcomed as the Ansar in Medina welcomed the Prophet's arrival during the hijra.

This is the noble desire that his son will become a loved one throughout society, welcomed when it comes and is respected by everyone, lauded and appreciated by all levels of society. Besides intended to take blessings on the glory of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, parents who are present also expect children who swung into devout people, cautious to Allah SWT and His Apostle.

Baayun mulud ceremony is held in the morning starting at 10.00 am, more afdhol if it is held to coincide with the 12th of Rabiul Awal. For parents who have the opportunity to involve their children in this ceremony will feel very happy and lucky.
